2023 Student Recital

2021 Student Recital — Virtual Edition

This year, the decision was made for our annual Student Recital to become a virtual event. Ms. Galina’s students have recorded their performances in safety of their homes. Please follow the link below to the password-protected event page.


2020 Student Recital

Ms. Galina’s Private Studio 2020 Student Recital took place on Sunday March 1, 2020 at 2:00 pm at the First Presbyterian Church of Edgewood, 120 E Swisswale Ave, Pittsburgh, PA 15218 (website www.fpcedgewood.org , phone 412-241- 4613).

Ms. Galina’s students perform annually in Heinz Hall and other beautiful, well-attended areas throughout the Pittsburgh region. They also engage in outreach, bringing our joy of music to places such as nursing homes and hospitals.

Ms. Galina Studio recital in heinz hall grand lobby, 2016, pittsburgh, pa

Ms. Galina Studio recital in heinz hall grand lobby, 2016, pittsburgh, pa

Ms. Galina Studio recital in heinz hall grand lobby, 2016, pittsburgh, pa